DLL errors are one of the most common types of computer errors. They are also the most difficult to fix. If you see a message on your computer screen saying that dll cannot be loaded, then your registry is probably to blame. There are 2 steps you can take to correct this problem. The registry is where all references to installed applications are stored. Sometimes other applications overwrite important entries in the registry database that belong to the original application. If this happens, you can do the following:

1.Uninstall the app and reboot. By uninstalling the application, you are allowing the registry to be updated with new, accurate references to the specified dll. An uninstall should always be followed by a reboot, with no ifs or buts. The registry will not be rewritten or updated unless you reboot.

2.Reinstall the app. Once the installation is complete, try to open the app again. If you keep seeing the “cannot load dll” error, the application probably has what’s called a dependency. There is no easy way to find which dependency is missing. Therefore, you will need to scan your computer for missing or invalid registry errors to resolve this issue.

Fortunately, there are a wide range of products on the market that can quickly fix your registry without much effort. Even better, you can try them for free. One of the best registry cleaners on the market is a program called ErrorFix. Judging from my experience with the software, it will fix pretty much any dll error you may have.