If you are looking for the path to happiness in others or in things, you are astray. You can find the path to happiness within your own life. When you find your joy and happiness within yourself, it lasts much longer and provides much more in times of difficulty and struggle.

Why is the path of happiness not in things?

Money can help you buy things, but money can’t buy everything. Things get old. The new tech toy you must have today won’t be worth much in three years. Things lose interest. I looked at the kitchen utensils he had to have and said he would use regularly. Now they sit in a cabinet and can be used once a year. Styles change, which means clothes and shoes become outdated. Happiness for things fades.

What about the others?

You must find happiness with others. If you look for your partner in the hope of finding happiness, you will feel hurt and disappointed. People are social, but they are also independent. This means that eventually your children will become independent. Your friends will have other things to do. This is natural because it is life, but if they define your happiness, then you will get hurt when they have other things to do.

Where can I find happiness then?

When you start looking for happiness within yourself, you will start finding gems. The strange thing about being happy being you is that it grows. It becomes easier to be happy. You will find more happiness in the moment. Eventually, it can even become contagious in your happiness.

Are you happy now?

The best time to look for happiness is looking around you. Almost every moment in time there is something that can make you happy, if you look. Some would say that every moment, however bad it may be, has a joy if you stop to see.

How can something bad be good?

A traffic jam might not sound like fun, but it’s a great time to listen to audiobooks or self-improvement tracks. The car accident you were in, if you can complain, that means you’re still alive. While refrigerator breakdown can be annoying, you can enjoy your new refrigerator.

Can you find happiness within yourself?

Many people have trouble seeing all the good that they bring to the world. When you see your own power and how you help others and where you have skills and talents, you should feel proud. You should be happy about what you can do and how you can help others and yourself.

Why is the path to happiness inside?

Finding happiness within yourself means that when life gets tough, you know you can look within to find joy. When things seem bad, you can look around you and recognize and accept that you have more than others and that you can be happy with them. And you can also be happy when times are good, because you strive for a better and happy tomorrow. When you seek more joy and happiness, you have even more joy and happiness to share!