The Bone and Raw Food (BARF) diet for dogs is an approach to feeding them the appropriate bones, raw meat and organs to reflect the diet they would obtain in the wild. There is a science to BARF. You are not feeding the dog meat that is fit for human consumption. Don’t feed your dog meat only because it won’t get all the nutrients he needs. Dogs eat raw meat on the bone, fish, and offal. They are predominantly fed lean game meat such as chicken, rabbit, hare, etc., as in the wild it is the smaller animals that they would normally eat.

The main reason you would want to feed BARF is for a healthier and happier dog. The main benefits of the BARF diet are:

1. Smaller dryer beads that smell less. A lot of commercial dog foods that you can buy at your local grocery store contain fillers that the dog can’t process and therefore pass through the system. Dog sausage rolls you buy in the refrigerated aisle are the worst for this. Lower-quality dry foods also produce larger, putrid droppings. With BARF, the dog uses most of what it eats and what passes through its systems is usually gray in color and consists of calcium. (Commercial dog foods contain dyes to make the food look appealing, and this is done for your benefit, not the dogs.)

2. BARF incorporates a varied and interesting diet. BARF is especially great for picky eaters who get bored with the same cup of dog food every morning and night. From night to night, BARF-fed dogs eat chicken, rabbit shoulder, brisket, and fish. It’s the spice of life!

3. BARF includes bones and cartilage that are good for chewing. Having a raw bone to chew on passes time and it can take several more minutes to demolish a meal. (Take, for example, a Labrador Retriever who will apparently ‘vacuum’ his dog food in less than a minute.)

Simply put, BARF is terrific for your dog and very comparable to the cost of other dog foods. Local suppliers can provide frozen food that you simply thaw as you need it and for the convenience and the same expense as commercial food you can have a much healthier, happier and cleaner dog. Why wouldn’t you feed BARF?