Gasoline can cost a small fortune these days, which is why many people buy new bikes instead of cars. Not only do they cost much less than owning a car, they help keep you fit and help reduce your carbon footprint, all at the same time. But now that you bought the model of your dreams, where do you plan to store it?

If you have a house with a large yard, you have many options. You can buy a locker or shed made especially for the job, or you can leave it chained outside. But depending on your circumstances, these may not be options for you. You may want to consider using a bike wall mount instead.

apartment dwellers

If you live in an apartment and don’t have outside storage space, a bike wall mount should work just fine for you. If you choose to simply lean your bike against an apartment wall, it can easily tip over due to its protruding handlebars. Using the bike wall mount keeps it out of the way and prevents it from falling and getting damaged.

These racks also come in many different styles and colors, so you’re sure to find one to match your home decor. Your hanging two-wheeler actually adds a quirky piece of art to your home, too.

Organize your garage

Maybe you own your own home with a garage, but your yard is too small for a shed or storage locker. Many people with children choose to store their bikes in the garage, however if you use your garage to store them it can get quite crowded. A hanging shelf can be a great space-saving solution.

Just look around the garage and find an open wall with no shelves for the best placement. Find a low-traffic area and position the rack at about waist height so the wheels are off the ground.

You can also use the support as a maintenance support if it is strong enough. This will prevent you from hurting your back the next time you need to do routine repair work, like replacing a broken chain.

Different types

The bike wall mount comes in many variations. There is one that you hang the entire front wheel assembly on, and one that has long arms that you balance the top tube of the frame on, which is the most common. Another type installs at ground level and simply captures the front wheel.

All of these models have their pros and cons, so do some research before you buy to determine which one best suits your needs.


Regardless of which mount you choose, each can be easily installed. All you need are a few screws or bolts, which usually come with the rack as a kit. With a drill, you should have the shelf up in no time. However, it is very important to use a stud finder to make sure the shelf is hanging securely. Otherwise, your two-wheeler could fall and destroy property or injure someone.

A bike wall mount is inexpensive and convenient. Installing one will give you the peace of mind that your property is safe and secure, and you won’t have to worry about it being in the middle of foot traffic.