Gaviscon Ingredients

Gavascon is a homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat a wide variety of common symptoms associated with allergic reactions. It is usually recommended for children over 6 years of age but can also be beneficial for adults and children over 10 years of age. It is an effective reliever for such symptoms as runny nose, itchy eyes and itchy and red skin. Here, you will learn about the ingredients used in this homeopathic remedy as well as the common causes of allergic reactions.

Gaviscon suppliers

Sodium Alginate – This is the main ingredient that is used in Gavascon and it is a salt form of the element aluminum. It is usually added into the liquid solution to increase its effectiveness. This is usually recommended for children suffering from gastro-esophageal reflux disease and heartburn as a first line of defense. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it should never be given to young children.

Regurgitation – A symptom of acid reflux and often related to hiatal hernia. It is caused when food contents move back up your esophagus creating uncomfortable pressure which in turn irritates your stomach. Some common foods that cause regurgitation include fatty foods, onions, certain spices and citrus juices. This condition affects nearly 50 million people throughout the US and it can lead to serious complications if left untreated. This is why treatment is very important and it should always start with the appropriate medication.

What Are Gaviscon Ingredients?

The most effective treatment for infants with acid reflux and hiatal hernia is to prevent them from refluxing. It is therefore recommended that you avoid feeding your baby foods that are difficult to digest and that include lots of milk or formula. If you feed your infant formula, make sure that you read the labels and ensure that it contains only double strength (dry) sodium alginate. Double strength sodium alginate is an ingredient that has been shown to help reduce the amount of regurgitation that babies experience. It is a natural compound which is available without a prescription in the US and it is available in various countries around the world.

Regurgitation can be caused by the presence of gastric acid, gastric fluids and pepsin inside of your infant’s stomach. To address this problem, doctors recommend the use of a drug called sucralfate. Sucralfate is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which acts on the lower esophageal sphincter (muscular valve that connects the stomach to the throat). It prevents the secretion of gastric fluid, gastric acid and pepsin from travelling up the esophageal tract and into the throat. It also reduces inflammation, which can be caused by reflux. The dual effect of sucralfate means that it is able to not only relieve the symptoms associated with reflux, but can also prevent the reflux from occurring again in the future.

Gaviscon Ingredients: The formula is made up from a number of different ingredients. There are a few of the most commonly used components which include: sodium alginate, milk of magnesia, sodium silicate, magnesium hydroxide, bromelain, peppermint oil, sodium saccharin, magnesium chloride, calcium carbonate, aluminum phosphate, potassium bromide, calcium oxalate, borax, sodium fluoride, zinc, magnesium thiamine, and yeast extracts. These ingredients work in conjunction to provide an effective treatment which should help to ease the pain and discomfort your baby may experience on a daily basis. Many parents have found these chewable tablets to be very helpful. If you would like to find out more about the safety of Gaviscon Extracts for infants and how to choose the right one for you and your child, you can visit the website listed below.