When visiting Namibia, it’s important to understand the culture and etiquette so you know exactly how not to offend the locals. Familiarize yourself with Namibian gender roles and what is appropriate attire and what is not. Knowing this simple knowledge will lead you to greater experiences.

In traditional Namibian societies, the elderly are treated with deference. Priests, nurses and teachers are also treated with the same respect among the local population, as few professions were allowed during the apartheid years, and these three were among them. Thus, the communities put these professionals on a very important pedestal, and they still maintain it today. The same goes for people in authority (remember that you respect when you respect).

Do you plan to explore village life when you visit Namibia?

Village life in Namibia remains largely a patriarchal society. Men get the best seats on buses and at home, while women and children stand or sit on the floor. Men are the first to eat and rarely do laundry or cook for themselves. However, in the post-independence era, gender equality is a major component of Namibian governance, and as a result, more and more women are being recruited and taking leadership positions in government and in the private sector. Urban centers are much more gender equal, however traditional customs are generally followed when staying with family or visiting villages.

How should you dress when you visit Namibia?

Namibians value the way they dress. At home they dress casually, however once they go to town or work they always dress “fancy” which means they look good and represent a certain level of intellect. Men often wear slacks and a nice collared shirt, while women wear long dresses or slacks with a conservative top. Shorts are acceptable but should be limited to casual settings. Visitors may unknowingly offend many locals when foreign women choose to wear skimpy, revealing clothing, which Namibians see as a sign of promiscuity; wearing revealing outfits can attract unwanted negative attention. Windhoek and Swakopmund may be more accepting of this type of clothing, but if you are visiting rural towns, conservative clothing should be worn. Familiarize yourself with the areas you plan to visit and respect the local culture by dressing accordingly.

How can you have a deep cultural experience and wildlife safari? http://wildsafariafrica.com/budget-safari/owambo-volunteer-etosha-np-safari/