The United States Navy SEALS were established in 1962 and are considered by many military experts to be the world’s premier maritime command unit. Team missions include;

– Support for conventional military operations

– Counter-terrorism operations

– Undercover and clandestine special operations

– Information gathering and strategic reconnaissance operations

– Direct action missions including raids, hostage rescue and detention of high value enemy personnel, terrorists and war criminals.

– All missions require insertion / extraction capabilities through maritime, air and land methods and techniques.

Candidates must graduate from the Basic Underwater Demolition / SEAL (BUD / S) located at Coronado Naval Base, Coronado, California. This six-month course is perhaps the most physically demanding in the US military and some say it is unmatched in the world. Dropout rates are high: historically, only 30% of those who enter BUD / S manage to graduate.

Navy leaders have conducted numerous studies in an attempt to find common personality traits, characteristics, and experiences shared by those who graduate from BUD / S. One group has always stood out from the rest: candidates with wrestling experience. amateurs have historically outperformed the BUD / S at a much higher rate than all other candidate populations. Experienced frogmen, many of them ex-wrestlers, believe that fighting requires many of the same individual qualities necessary to successfully complete BUD / S. They cite qualities such as mental and physical toughness, work ethic and dedication, stamina , self-reliance and the ability to perform under pressure as some of the main traits shared by successful fighters and Navy SEALS alike.

Wrestlers are viewed by many as the toughest athletes in the world and it is not surprising to members of the wrestling community that their peers enjoy great success while serving in special operations units. An active duty NAVY Seal, which cannot be named in this article, was an NCAA All-American as a collegiate wrestler, placing fifth, third, and third in the Division I national tournament. He believes that “the transition from fighter to Navy SEAL is natural, both mentally and physically” and that his many years of fighting were directly responsible for his successful graduation from BUD / S and eventually becoming a Navy SEAL. His message to all young men with high school and college wrestling experience is to visit or call the nearest Navy recruiter and request specific information about the Navy’s Special Warfare program.

The Marine Corps once had a recruiting slogan that read, “We’re looking for some good men.” Looks like the Navy SEALS are looking for good fighters!