If you want to involve other Twitter users for business contacts, lead generation, etc., you will need to be careful not to get your account banned for obnoxious behavior. Those who use Twitter for commercial purposes are a bit more targeted in their updates; However, you’ll notice that smart users still work hard to keep the tone casual and conversational, and they rarely come up with a tough sales pitch. Being openly sales oriented is the perfect way to lose followers! In contrast, smart business users create their updates to provide useful information about their products and services, perhaps by providing links that give their followers something of value, such as an how-to webinar or a useful product update.

Business Twitter users will invite their followers to sales events where great prizes are given away and deep discounts are offered, or they will provide their followers with a link to a fantastic coupon. The key for business users is to add value to each tweet so that their followers are eager for each update and even generate a viral buzz by sharing the information with their followers, who could transmit it to their followers, exponentially multiplying the message. Smart business users have found Twitter to be an indispensable marketing tool in their efforts to win and retain loyal and enthusiastic customers.

The point of Twitter depends on your purpose. However, the underlying purpose is really the same: to offer something to your followers that essentially says, “Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’ll make it worthwhile.” Your personal popularity on Twitter will grow with that approach, and your business is sure to experience a bigger profile, greater receptivity to your message, and the rewards of higher sales.